Download Bhop Pro Version 1.7.7 !!HOT!! 💾

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author image by eanrsmo | 0 Comments | 08 Jul 2023

Download Bhop Pro Version 1.7.7: A Guide for Beginners

If you are looking for a fun and challenging game that tests your skills and reflexes, you might want to try Bhop Pro. Bhop Pro is a game mode where you have to jump on blocks and perform bunny hops, a technique that allows you to move faster and smoother. In this article, we will show you how to download Bhop Pro version 1.7.7 on your PC or Mac, and give you some tips and tricks to enjoy the game.

What is Bhop Pro?

A brief introduction to the game and its features

Bhop Pro is a game developed by HorseGames, a studio that specializes in creating action, sports, and adventure games. Bhop Pro is based on the popular bhopping genre, which originated from first-person shooter games like Counter-Strike and Half-Life. In Bhop Pro, you can play various maps and modes that are designed to challenge your jumping skills and coordination. You can also customize your character, choose different skins, and compete with other players online.

How to play Bhop Pro on PC and Mac

Bhop Pro is available for Android devices, but you can also play it on your PC or Mac using an emulator. An emulator is a software that allows you to run Android apps on your computer, giving you access to a larger screen, better graphics, and more comfortable controls. One of the best emulators you can use is BlueStacks, which is free, fast, and easy to use.

Why download Bhop Pro version 1.7.7?

The latest updates and improvements in the game

Bhop Pro version 1.7.7 is the most recent version of the game, which was released on July 5, 2020. This version includes several updates and improvements that make the game more enjoyable and stable. Some of the changes are:

  • New maps added
  • New skins added
  • Bug fixes and performance optimizations
  • Improved user interface and graphics
  • Added support for multiple languages

The benefits of playing Bhop Pro on BlueStacks emulator

Playing Bhop Pro on BlueStacks emulator has many advantages over playing it on your mobile device. Some of the benefits are:

  • You can play Bhop Pro on a larger screen, which gives you a better view of the blocks and the environment.
  • You can use your keyboard and mouse to control your character, which gives you more accuracy and speed.
  • You can customize your settings and controls according to your preferences.
  • You can use BlueStacks features like Repeated Tap, High FPS, Multi-Instance, Macro Recorder, etc., to enhance your gaming experience.
  • You can record your gameplay, take screenshots, chat with other players, etc., using BlueStacks tools.

How to download Bhop Pro version 1.7.7 on PC and Mac

Step 1: Download and install BlueStacks on your device

The first step to download Bhop Pro version 1.7.7 on your PC or Mac is to download and install BlueStacks emulator on your device. You can follow these steps to do so:

  1. Go to the official website of BlueStacks at [] and click on the “Download BlueStacks” button.
  2. Wait for the download to finish and then run the installer file.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.
  4. Launch BlueStacks and sign in with your Google account or create a new one.

Step 2: Launch BlueStacks and search for Bhop Pro in the app store

The next step is to launch BlueStacks and search for Bhop Pro in the app store. You can follow these steps to do so:

  1. Open BlueStacks and click on the “App Center” tab.
  2. Type “Bhop Pro” in the search bar and hit enter.
  3. You will see a list of results related to Bhop Pro. Click on the one that says “Bhop Pro” by HorseGames.
  4. You will be redirected to the app page of Bhop Pro. Click on the “Install” button to start downloading the game.

Step 3: Install Bhop Pro and enjoy the game

The final step is to install Bhop Pro and enjoy the game. You can follow these steps to do so:

  1. Wait for the installation to finish and then click on the “Open” button to launch the game.
  2. You will see a splash screen of Bhop Pro and then a main menu with different options.
  3. Select the mode you want to play, such as Practice, Speedrun, Multiplayer, etc.
  4. Select the map you want to play, such as Dust2, Mirage, Inferno, etc.
  5. Start playing Bhop Pro and have fun!

Tips and tricks for playing Bhop Pro version 1.7.7

How to master the bhop technique and jump on blocks

Bhop Pro is a game that requires skill and practice to master. The main technique you need to learn is how to bhop, which stands for bunny hop. Bhopping is a way of moving faster and smoother by jumping on blocks and maintaining your momentum. Here are some tips and tricks to master the bhop technique and jump on blocks:

  • Use your mouse to control your direction and angle. You need to move your mouse left and right while jumping to keep your balance and speed.
  • Use your keyboard to control your movement. You need to press A or D keys while moving your mouse left or right respectively. This will help you strafe in mid-air and gain more speed.
  • Use your spacebar or mouse wheel to jump. You need to time your jumps perfectly to land on blocks and avoid falling. You can also use your mouse wheel to scroll up or down while jumping, which will make you jump faster and higher.
  • Use your shift key to crouch. You need to crouch before jumping or landing on blocks, which will make you jump further and lower your height. You can also use your shift key to slide on slopes and gain more speed.

How to customize your settings and controls for optimal performance

Bhop Pro is a game that allows you to customize your settings and controls according to your preferences. You can access the settings menu by clicking on the gear icon on the top right corner of the screen. Here are some of the settings and controls you can adjust for optimal performance:

  • Sensitivity: You can change the sensitivity of your mouse, which will affect how fast you can move your cursor. You can also enable or disable mouse acceleration, which will affect how smoothly you can move your cursor.
  • FPS: You can change the frames per second (FPS) of the game, which will affect how smooth and clear the game looks. You can also enable or disable VSync, which will sync the game’s FPS with your monitor’s refresh rate.
  • Graphics: You can change the graphics quality of the game, which will affect how detailed and realistic the game looks. You can also enable or disable shadows, reflections, anti-aliasing, etc., which will affect how sharp and smooth the game looks.
  • Sound: You can change the sound volume of the game, which will affect how loud and clear the game sounds. You can also enable or disable music, sound effects, voice chat, etc., which will affect how immersive and interactive the game sounds.
  • Controls: You can change the controls of the game, which will affect how you can play the game. You can also enable or disable auto jump, auto crouch, auto strafe, etc., which will affect how easy and convenient the game plays.

How to access different maps and modes in the game

Bhop Pro is a game that offers different maps and modes for you to play and explore. You can access the maps and modes menu by clicking on the map icon on the top left corner of the screen. Here are some of the maps and modes you can access in the game:

  • Practice: This mode allows you to practice your bhop skills on various maps without any time limit or pressure. You can also use this mode to create your own maps and share them with other players.
  • Speedrun: This mode allows you to compete with yourself or other players on various maps and try to finish them as fast as possible. You can also use this mode to view your stats and rankings.
  • Multiplayer: This mode allows you to play with other players online on various maps and modes. You can also use this mode to chat with other players, join or create rooms, vote for maps, etc.
  • Surf: This mode allows you to surf on ramps and curves using your mouse and keyboard. You can also use this mode to perform tricks and stunts.
  • Zombie: This mode allows you to survive against waves of zombies using your weapons and skills. You can also use this mode to cooperate with other players or fight against them.


A summary of the main points and a call to action

Bhop Pro is a game that tests your skills and reflexes by making you jump on blocks and perform bunny hops. In this article, we showed you how to download Bhop Pro version 1.7.7 on your PC or Mac using BlueStacks emulator, and gave you some tips and tricks to enjoy the game. We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you want to download Bhop Pro version 1.7.7 on your PC or Mac, click on the link below and start playing today!

[Download Bhop Pro Version 1.7.7]


What are the system requirements for playing Bhop Pro on PC or Mac?

To play Bhop Pro on PC or Mac, you need to have a device that meets the following minimum system requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.11 or higher
  • Processor: Intel or AMD Processor
  • RAM: At least 2 GB
  • HDD: At least 5 GB of free disk space
  • Internet: Broadband connection

Is Bhop Pro free to play?

Yes, Bhop Pro is free to play on Android devices and PC or Mac using BlueStacks emulator. However, the game contains ads and in-app purchases that can enhance your gaming experience.

How can I contact the developers of Bhop Pro?

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for Bhop Pro, you can contact the developers of the game by sending an email to [] or visiting their website at [].

How can I report a bug or a problem in Bhop Pro?

If you encounter a bug or a problem in Bhop Pro, you can report it by clicking on the “Report” button on the top right corner of the screen. You can also send an email to [] with a screenshot and a description of the issue.

How can I support Bhop Pro?

If you like Bhop Pro and want to support the game, you can do so by rating and reviewing it on the app store, sharing it with your friends, following it on social media, or making an in-app purchase.


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