Islamic Quiz Questions And Answers 🤚

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Islamic Quiz Questions and Answers

Islam is one of the major world religions, with over 1.8 billion followers worldwide. It is also a rich and diverse tradition, with many aspects that can be explored and learned. Whether you are a Muslim who wants to test your knowledge, or a non-Muslim who wants to learn more about Islam, this article will provide you with some interesting and informative quiz questions and answers about Islam.


What is Islam?

Islam is an Arabic word that means “submission” or “surrender” to the will of God. Muslims are those who follow Islam, and they believe that there is only one God, who is called Allah in Arabic. Muslims also believe that Allah sent many prophets and messengers throughout history, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, to guide humanity to the right path. The final and most complete revelation from Allah was given to Muhammad, who is considered the seal of the prophets.

Why is Islam important?

Islam is important because it provides a comprehensive way of life for its followers, based on the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah (the example and sayings of Muhammad). Islam covers all aspects of human existence, such as faith, worship, morality, law, ethics, family, society, politics, economics, science, art, and culture. Islam also has a rich history and civilization that spans over 14 centuries and covers various regions and continents. Islam has contributed to many fields of human knowledge and achievement, such as mathematics, astronomy, medicine, literature, architecture, and more.

How to learn more about Islam?

One of the best ways to learn more about Islam is to read the Quran, which is the holy book of Muslims. The Quran contains the words of Allah as revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. The Quran covers various topics such as belief, worship, ethics, stories of prophets, laws, guidance, wisdom, and more. The Quran is also a miracle of language, style, eloquence, and beauty. Another way to learn more about Islam is to study the Sunnah, which is the example and sayings of Muhammad. The Sunnah explains and complements the Quran, and provides practical guidance for Muslims on how to live according to Islam. A third way to learn more about Islam is to interact with Muslims themselves, who can share their experiences, perspectives, values, and practices with you.

Islamic Quiz Questions and Answers

Quran and Islamic History


Question 1: What is the scripture of Islam religion?

The scripture of Islam religion is the Quran, which is the word of Allah as revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, called surahs, and each surah consists of verses, called ayahs. The Quran is the primary source of guidance and legislation for Muslims.

Question 2: How many chapters are there in Quran?

There are 114 chapters in Quran, each with a different name and theme. The longest chapter is Surah Al-Baqarah, which has 286 verses, and the shortest chapter is Surah Al-Kawthar, which has 3 verses. The chapters are arranged in a descending order of length, except for the first chapter, Surah Al-Fatihah, which is also known as the opening chapter of the Quran.

Question 3: Name the last prophet of Islam.

The last prophet of Islam is Muhammad, who was born in Mecca in the year 570 CE. He received his first revelation from Allah when he was 40 years old, and he continued to receive revelations until his death in 632 CE. He is considered the seal of the prophets, meaning that no prophet will come after him. He is also the leader and model for all Muslims.

Question 4: What is the term used in Quran to refer to the message that Muhammad get from Allah?

The term used in Quran to refer to the message that Muhammad get from Allah is wahy, which means “revelation” or “inspiration”. Wahy can be divided into two types: direct and indirect. Direct wahy is when Allah speaks directly to Muhammad, such as when he spoke to him during his night journey to Jerusalem and heaven. Indirect wahy is when Allah sends his message to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, such as when he recited the verses of the Quran to him.

Question 5: Name the first wife of Muhammad.

The first wife of Muhammad was Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, who was a wealthy and respected merchant in Mecca. She was 15 years older than Muhammad, and she proposed marriage to him when he was 25 years old. She was his only wife until her death at the age of 65. She supported him throughout his prophetic mission, and she was the first person to believe in his message. She bore him six children: two sons and four daughters.

Islamic Beliefs and Practices

Question 6: What are the five pillars of Islam?

The five pillars of Islam are the basic acts of worship that every Muslim must perform. They are:

  • Shahadah: The testimony of faith, which is to declare that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.
  • Salah: The daily prayers, which are performed five times a day at prescribed times.
  • Zakat: The obligatory charity, which is to give a certain percentage of one’s wealth to the poor and needy.
  • Sawm: The fasting, which is to abstain from food, drink, and sexual activity from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan.
  • Hajj: The pilgrimage, which is to visit the holy city of Mecca and perform certain rituals at least once in a lifetime if one is able.

Question 7: What is the Muslim call for public prayer known as?

The Muslim call for public prayer is known as adhan, which means “announcement” or “invitation”. It is recited by a person called a muezzin, who stands on a high place such as a minaret or a roof. The adhan consists of several phrases that declare the greatness of Allah, the oneness of Allah, the prophethood of Muhammad, and the time for prayer. The adhan also invites Muslims to come to prayer and to success.

Question 8: What is the third holiest city in Islam?

The third holiest city in Islam is Jerusalem, which is also known as Al-Quds or Bayt Al-Maqdis in Arabic. Jerusalem is revered by Muslims because it was the first direction of prayer (qiblah) before it was changed to Mecca, and because it was the destination of Muhammad’s night journey (isra) and ascension (miraj) to heaven. Jerusalem also contains many sacred sites for Muslims, such as Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, and Mount Zion.

Question 9: What is the purpose of fasting in Ramadan?

The purpose of fasting in Ramadan is to attain taqwa, which means “piety” or “consciousness of Allah”. Fasting in Ramadan is one of the ways to worship Allah and to show gratitude for his blessings. Fasting in Ramadan also helps Muslims to develop self-control, discipline, patience, generosity, and compassion. Fasting in Ramadan also reminds Muslims of the plight of the poor and the needy, and encourages them to share their wealth and food with them.

Question 10: What is zakat and who should pay it?

Zakat is the obligatory charity that every Muslim who has a certain amount of wealth must pay annually. Zakat means “purification” or “growth”, and it is one of the ways to purify one’s wealth and soul from greed and selfishness. Zakat also helps to distribute wealth among the society and to support the needy and the deserving. Zakat is calculated based on a fixed percentage (usually 2.5%) of one’s savings, assets, crops, livestock, gold, silver, etc. Zakat is paid to eight categories of people, as mentioned in the Quran: the poor, the needy, the collectors of zakat, those whose hearts are to be reconciled, those in debt, those in the cause of Allah, the travelers, and the emancipation of slaves.

Islamic Culture and Society

Question 11: What is the name of the Islamic law that governs the moral and legal aspects of life?

The name of the Islamic law that governs the moral and legal aspects of life is shariah, which means “path” or “way”. Shariah is derived from two primary sources: the Quran and the Sunnah. Shariah covers various topics such as worship, family, marriage, divorce, inheritance, contracts, business, crimes, punishments, human rights, etc. Shariah aims to promote justice, mercy, welfare, and harmony in the society.

Question 12: What is the term used to describe the modest dress code for Muslims?

The term used to describe the modest dress code for Muslims is hijab, which means “cover” or “barrier”. Hijab is not only a piece of cloth that covers the head, but also a concept that encompasses modesty in behavior, speech, and appearance. Hijab is an act of obedience to Allah and a sign of dignity and honor. Hijab is mandatory for both men and women, but with different requirements. Men should cover their body from the navel to the knees, and women should cover their body except for their face and hands.

Question 13: What are some of the etiquettes and manners in Islam?

Some of the etiquettes and manners in Islam are:

  • Greeting each other with “Assalamu alaikum” (peace be upon you) and responding with “Wa alaikum assalam” (and peace be upon you).
  • Saying “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah) before starting any action and saying “Alhamdulillah” (praise be to Allah) after finishing any action.
  • Saying “Insha’Allah” (if Allah wills) when intending to do something in the future and saying “Masha’Allah” (what Allah wills) when admiring something good.
  • Saying “JazakAllahu khairan” (may Allah reward you with good) when thanking someone and saying “BarakAllahu feek” (may Allah bless you) when praising someone.
  • Saying “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah) when committing a mistake or a sin and saying “SubhanAllah” (glory be to Allah) when witnessing something amazing or miraculous.
  • Using the right hand for eating, drinking, giving, and taking, and using the left hand for cleaning oneself.
  • Eating and drinking moderately and avoiding waste.
  • Respecting elders, parents, teachers, relatives, neighbors, guests, friends, etc.
  • Being honest, truthful, trustworthy, kind, generous, humble, polite, courteous, etc.
  • Avoiding lying, cheating, backbiting, gossiping, slandering, cursing, swearing, etc.

Question 14: What are some of the rights and responsibilities of women in Islam?

Some of the rights and responsibilities of women in Islam are:

  • Women have the right to life, dignity, education, health, property, inheritance, marriage, divorce, custody, etc.
  • Women have the right to choose their spouse, to consent to marriage, to keep their maiden name, to keep their own wealth, to seek divorce, etc.
  • Women have the right to be treated with respect, kindness, justice, and equality by their husbands, parents, children, relatives, etc.
  • Women have the responsibility to worship Allah, to follow his commands, to obey his laws, to seek knowledge, to perform good deeds, etc.
  • Women have the responsibility to maintain their modesty, chastity, purity, and honor in their dress, speech, behavior, and appearance.
  • Women have the responsibility to be loyal, faithful, supportive, and cooperative with their husbands, to fulfill their marital rights and duties, to raise their children in the best way, etc.

Question 15: How does Islam promote peace and justice in the world?

Islam promotes peace and justice in the world by teaching its followers to:

  • Believe in one God who is the source of all peace and justice.
  • Respect the diversity and dignity of all human beings regardless of their race, color, gender, language, religion, etc.
  • Uphold the values of truth, honesty, fairness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, etc.
  • Avoid violence, aggression, oppression, injustice, corruption, etc.
  • Cooperate and collaborate with others for the common good and the welfare of humanity.
  • Strive for personal and social reform and improvement.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have learned some basic facts about Islam, such as its meaning, importance, and sources. We have also answered 15 quiz questions about Islam that cover various topics such as Quran and Islamic history, Islamic beliefs and practices, and Islamic culture and society. We hope that this article has increased your knowledge and interest in Islam, and that you have enjoyed reading it.

Invitation to take the quiz and share feedback

If you want to test your knowledge and memory of what you have learned in this article, you can take the quiz below. You can also share your feedback and comments with us by filling out the form at the end of the article. We would love to hear from you and improve our content based on your suggestions. Thank you for reading this article and may Allah bless you with peace and wisdom.

Quiz 1. What is the scripture of Islam religion? – A) Bible – B) Torah – C) Quran – D) Vedas – Answer: C) Quran 2. How many chapters are there in Quran? – A) 66 – B) 99 – C) 114 – D) 150 – Answer: C) 114 3. Name the last prophet of Islam. – A) Jesus – B) Moses – C) Muhammad – D) Abraham – Answer: C) Muhammad 4. What is the term used in Quran to refer to the message that Muhammad get from Allah? – A) Hadith – B) Wahy – C) Ijma – D) Qiyas – Answer: B) Wahy 5. Name the first wife of Muhammad. – A) Aisha – B) Khadijah – C) Fatimah – D) Hafsa – Answer: B) Khadijah 6. What are the five pillars of Islam? – A) Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj – B) Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Jihad, Hajj – C) Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Shariah – D) Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Tawhid – Answer: A) Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj 7. What is the Muslim call for public prayer known as? – A) Adhan – B) Iqamah – C) Takbir – D) Tasbih – Answer: A) Adhan 8. What is the third holiest city in Islam? – A) Medina – B) Jerusalem – C) Damascus – D) Cairo – Answer: B) Jerusalem 9. What is the purpose of fasting in Ramadan? – A) To lose weight – B) To attain taqwa – C) To celebrate Eid – D) To avoid hellfire – Answer: B) To attain taqwa 10. What is zakat and who should pay it? – A) The obligatory charity that every Muslim who has a certain amount of wealth must pay annually. – B) The voluntary charity that every Muslim who has a generous heart can pay anytime. – C) The obligatory tax that every Muslim who lives in an Islamic state must pay monthly. – D) The voluntary donation that every Muslim who visits a mosque can pay anytime. – Answer: A) The obligatory charity that every Muslim who has a certain amount of wealth must pay annually. 11. What is the name of the Islamic law that governs the moral and legal aspects of life? – A) Shariah – B) Fiqh – C) Ummah – D) Tariqah – Answer: A) Shariah 12. What is the term used to describe the modest dress code for Muslims? – A) Hijab – B) Niqab – C) Burqa – D) Jilbab – Answer: A) Hijab 13. What are some of the etiquettes and manners in Islam? – A) Greeting each other with “Assalamu alaikum” and saying “Bismillah” before starting any action. – B) Using the right hand for eating, drinking, giving, and taking, and eating and drinking moderately and avoiding waste. – C) Respecting elders, parents, teachers, relatives, neighbors, guests, friends, etc., and being honest, truthful, trustworthy, kind, generous, humble, polite, courteous, etc. – D) All of the above. – Answer: D) All of the above. 14. What are some of the rights and responsibilities of women in Islam? – A) Women have the right to life, dignity, education, health, property, inheritance, marriage, divorce, custody, etc., and the responsibility to worship Allah, to follow his commands, to obey his laws, to seek knowledge, to perform good deeds, etc. – B) Women have the right to choose their spouse, to consent to marriage, to keep their maiden name, to keep their own wealth, to seek divorce, etc., and the responsibility to maintain their modesty, chastity, purity, and honor in their dress, speech, behavior, and appearance. – C) Women have the right to be treated with respect, kindness, justice, and equality by their husbands, parents, children, relatives, etc., and the responsibility to be loyal, faithful, supportive, and cooperative with their husbands, to fulfill their marital rights and duties, to raise their children in the best way, etc. – D) All of the above. – Answer: D) All of the above. 15. How does Islam promote peace and justice in the world? – A) By teaching its followers to believe in one God who is the source of all peace and justice. – B) By respecting the diversity and dignity of all human beings regardless of their race, color, gender, language, religion, etc. – C) By upholding the values of truth, honesty, fairness, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, etc. – D) By avoiding violence, aggression, oppression, injustice, corruption, etc. – E) By cooperating and collaborating with others for the common good and the welfare of humanity. – F) By striving for personal and social reform and improvement. – G) All of the above. – Answer: G) All of the above. FAQs 1. What is the difference between Islam and Muslim? – Islam is the name of the religion, while Muslim is the name of the follower of Islam. For example, one can say “I follow Islam” or “I am a Muslim”. 2. What are some of the common misconceptions about Islam? – Some of the common misconceptions about Islam are that Islam is a violent, intolerant, backward, oppressive, and misogynistic religion. These misconceptions are often based on ignorance, prejudice, media bias, or political agendas. The reality is that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, progress, liberation, and justice for all people. 3. How can I convert to Islam? – To convert to Islam, one only needs to say and believe in the shahadah, which is the testimony of faith: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger”. This declaration signifies that one accepts Allah as the only true God and Muhammad as his final prophet. It also implies that one agrees to follow the teachings of Islam and to worship Allah alone. 4. What are some of the benefits of being a Muslim? – Some of the benefits of being a Muslim are that one can have a direct and personal relationship with Allah, who is the most loving, merciful, and forgiving. One can also have a clear and comprehensive guidance for life from the Quran and the Sunnah. One can also have a sense of purpose, meaning, and happiness in life by fulfilling one’s duties to Allah and to his creation. One can also have a hope for eternal salvation and paradise in the hereafter by Allah’s grace and mercy. 5. Where can I find more information about Islam? – There are many sources where you can find more information about Islam, such as books, websites, videos, podcasts, etc. However, you should always be careful to check the authenticity, reliability, and accuracy of any source before accepting it as true. Some of the recommended sources are: – [The Noble Quran]: The holy book of Muslims that contains the words of Allah as revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. – [Sahih Al-Bukhari]: One of the most authentic collections of hadiths (sayings and actions of Muhammad) that explain and complement the Quran. – [Islam Question and Answer]: A website that provides answers to various questions about Islam from qualified scholars and experts. – [The Deen Show]: A video podcast that features interviews with Muslims from different backgrounds and professions who share their stories and experiences with Islam. – [Why Islam]: A website that provides information about Islam for non-Muslims who are curious or interested in learning more about Islam.


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