Brotato Download Apk ((NEW))

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Brotato Download APK: How to Play a Potato and Fight Aliens

If you are looking for a fun and challenging game that will test your skills and reflexes, you might want to check out Brotato. Brotato is a top-down arena shooter roguelite where you play a potato wielding up to six weapons at a time to fight off hordes of aliens. Choose from a variety of traits and items to create unique builds and survive until help arrives.

Brotato is a game that combines humor, action, and strategy in a fast-paced and addictive gameplay. You will have to use your weapons wisely, dodge enemy attacks, collect materials, and upgrade your equipment as you face different waves of enemies. The game has a simple control system, colorful graphics, and catchy music that will keep you entertained for hours.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install Brotato APK on your Android device, as well as some alternatives and reviews of the game. Read on to find out more about this amazing game.

Features of Brotato App

Brotato is not just a simple shoot-and-run game. It has many features that make it stand out from other games in the genre. Here are some of the features that you can enjoy in Brotato:

Auto-firing weapons with manual aiming option

One of the unique features of Brotato is that your weapons will automatically fire by default, so you don’t have to worry about tapping the screen constantly. However, if you prefer more control over your shooting, you can also switch to manual aiming mode, where you can drag your finger on the screen to aim at your enemies.

Fast runs under 30 minutes

Brotato is designed for quick and casual gaming sessions. You can complete a run in less than 30 minutes, making it perfect for playing on the go or when you have some spare time. Each run is different, as the game randomly generates the enemies, items, and maps that you will encounter.

Dozens of characters to customize your runs

Brotato offers a variety of characters that you can unlock and play as. Each character has different traits and abilities that will affect your gameplay. For example, you can play as One Hand, who can only use one weapon but has increased damage; Crazy, who has random effects on his weapons; Lucky, who has higher chances of getting rare items; Mage, who can use magic spells; and many more.

Hundreds of items and weapons to choose from

Brotato has a huge collection of items and weapons that you can find and use in the game. You can equip up to six weapons at a time, ranging from flamethrowers, SMGs, rocket launchers, or even sticks and stones. You can also use items such as health potions, shields, grenades, or bombs to help you survive. Each item and weapon has different effects and stats that will change your gameplay.

Survive waves of aliens and collect materials

The main goal of Brotato

The main goal of Brotato is to survive as long as possible until a rescue ship arrives. You will have to face waves of aliens that will try to kill you and destroy your base. You can use your weapons and items to fight them off, but you will also need to collect materials from the environment. Materials are used to upgrade your weapons, items, and base, as well as to craft new items and weapons. You can also use materials to buy items from the shop or trade with other survivors.

How to Download and Install Brotato APK

Brotato is not available on the Google Play Store, so you will need to download and install the APK file manually. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Download Brotato APK from a trusted source

The first step is to download the Brotato APK file from a reliable source. You can use the link below to download the latest version of the game. Make sure that you have enough storage space on your device before downloading the file.

Brotato APK Download Link

Enable unknown sources on your device

The next step is to enable unknown sources on your device. This will allow you to install apps that are not from the Google Play Store. To do this, go to your device settings and look for the security or privacy option. Then, find and enable the unknown sources option. You may see a warning message, but you can ignore it and proceed.

Install Brotato APK and launch the app

The final step is to install the Brotato APK file that you have downloaded. Locate the file in your device’s file manager and tap on it. You may see a confirmation message, but you can accept it and start the installation process. Wait for a few seconds until the installation is complete. Then, you can launch the app and enjoy playing Brotato.

Alternatives to Brotato App

If you like Brotato, you may also like some of these alternatives that offer similar gameplay and features:

Soulstone Survivor

Soulstone Survivor is a roguelike action game where you play as a hero who has been cursed by a soulstone. You have to fight your way through dungeons filled with monsters and traps, while collecting loot and upgrading your skills. The game has pixel art graphics, retro music, and multiple endings.

Soulstone Survivor APK Download Link

Bounty of One

Bounty of One is a sci-fi shooter game where you play as a bounty hunter who has to hunt down criminals across the galaxy. You can choose from different weapons, gadgets, and vehicles to complete your missions. The game has 3D graphics, dynamic environments, and realistic physics.

Bounty of One APK Download Link

Cuphead Mobile

Cuphead Mobile is a platformer game inspired by the classic cartoons of the 1930s. You play as Cuphead or Mugman, who have made a deal with the devil and have to repay their debt by fighting various bosses. The game has hand-drawn animation, original music, and challenging gameplay.

Cuphead Mobile APK Download Link

Reviews of Brotato App

Brotato has received many positive reviews from users and critics alike. Here are some of the reviews that you can read:

Positive reviews from users and critics

  • “Brotato is one of the best games I have ever played on my phone. It is so fun and addictive, I can’t stop playing it. The graphics are amazing, the music is catchy, and the gameplay is smooth and challenging. I love how I can customize my character and weapons with different items and traits. The game is also very funny, with hilarious dialogues and references.”
  • “This game is awesome! It has everything I want in a game: action, humor, strategy, and replay value. The game is very well-made, with no bugs or glitches that I have encountered so far. The game is also very generous with rewards and updates, adding new content regularly. I highly recommend this game to anyone who likes roguelite games.”
  • “Brotato is a gem of a game that deserves more attention. It is a unique and original game that combines elements of roguelite, shooter, and survival genres. The game is very polished, with high-quality graphics, sound effects, and music. The game The game is also very challenging, with different enemies, bosses, and scenarios that require different strategies and skills. The game is a blast to play, especially with friends in co-op mode.”
  • “Brotato is a game that surprised me with its quality and fun factor. It is a game that does not take itself too seriously, but still delivers a solid and satisfying gameplay experience. The game has a lot of variety and replayability, with different characters, weapons, items, and maps to explore. The game is also very humorous, with witty dialogues and references to pop culture. The game is a must-have for fans of roguelite games.”

Negative reviews and feedbacks

  • “Brotato is a game that I wanted to like, but I couldn’t. The game is too hard and frustrating for me. The enemies are too fast and powerful, the weapons are too weak and inaccurate, and the items are too scarce and expensive. The game is also very repetitive and boring, with the same enemies and maps over and over again. The game is not fun at all, it is just a waste of time and money.”
  • “This game is terrible! It has so many bugs and glitches that make it unplayable. The game crashes frequently, the controls are unresponsive, the graphics are pixelated, and the sound is distorted. The game is also very unfair and unbalanced, with enemies that can kill you in one hit, weapons that do no damage, and items that do nothing. The game is a scam, do not download it.”
  • “Brotato is a game that has potential, but needs a lot of improvement. The game is too simple and easy for my taste. The enemies are too dumb and predictable, the weapons are too powerful and unlimited, and the items are too abundant and cheap. The game is also very bland and dull, with no story or character development, no achievements or leaderboards, and no online or multiplayer mode. The game is not challenging or rewarding at all, it is just a mindless shooter.”

Tips and tricks to improve your gameplay

If you want to get better at Brotato, here are some tips and tricks that you can use:

  • Experiment with different characters, weapons, items, and traits to find the best combination for your playstyle.
  • Use your weapons wisely, as they have different effects and cooldowns. For example, use the flamethrower to deal damage over time, use the rocket launcher to blast multiple enemies at once, or use the stick to stun enemies.
  • Dodge enemy attacks by moving around the map. You can also use items such as shields or grenades to protect yourself or distract enemies.
  • Collect materials from the environment or from defeated enemies. You can use them to upgrade your weapons, items, and base, as well as to craft new items and weapons.
  • Visit the shop or trade with other survivors to buy or sell items. You can also find hidden chests or secret rooms that contain rare items or weapons.
  • Play with friends in co-op mode to share items and resources, as well as to help each other fight off enemies.


Brotato is a game that will appeal to fans of roguelite games who enjoy shooting aliens with potatoes. The game has many features that make it fun and addictive, such as auto-firing weapons, fast runs, dozens of characters, hundreds of items and weapons, and survival mode. The game also has colorful graphics, catchy music, and humorous dialogues that add to its charm.

If you want to download and install Brotato APK on your Android device, you can follow the steps that we have provided in this article. You can also check out some alternatives to Brotato if you want to try other games in the genre. You can also read some reviews of Brotato from users and critics who have played the game.

We hope that this article has helped you learn more about Brotato APK and how to play it on your device. If you have any questions or feedbacks about the game or the article, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Brotato APK:

Is Brotato APK safe to download?

Yes, Brotato APK is safe to download as long as you use a trusted source like the one we have provided in this article. However, However, you should always be careful when downloading and installing apps from unknown sources, as they may contain malware or viruses that can harm your device. You should also scan the APK file with an antivirus app before installing it.

How can I update Brotato APK?

To update Brotato APK, you will need to download and install the latest version of the game from the same source that you used before. You can also check the official website or social media pages of the game for any news or announcements about updates. You should always update your game to enjoy the latest features and bug fixes.

Can I play Brotato APK offline?

Yes, you can play Brotato APK offline without an internet connection. However, you will not be able to access some features that require online connectivity, such as co-op mode, leaderboards, or cloud saving. You will also not be able to receive any updates or notifications from the game.

Can I play Brotato APK on PC?

Yes, you can play Brotato APK on PC using an Android emulator. An Android emulator is a software that allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Some of the popular Android emulators that you can use are BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, or LDPlayer. You will need to download and install the emulator on your PC, then download and install Brotato APK on the emulator. You can then launch the game and play it on your PC.

What are the minimum requirements to play Brotato APK?

The minimum requirements to play Brotato APK are as follows:

  • Android version: 5.0 or higher
  • RAM: 2 GB or higher
  • Storage space: 100 MB or higher
  • Internet connection: Optional


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