Download Blackie And Elaine Loving You [HOT] ⏵

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author image by eanrsmo | 0 Comments | 09 Jul 2023

Download Blackie and Elaine Loving You: A Guide to Enjoying the New Hit Song

If you are a fan of South African music, you have probably heard of the new song by Blackie and Elaine called Loving You. This song is a collaboration between two of the most talented and popular artists in the country, and it has been making waves on the charts and social media. But how can you download Loving You and enjoy it to the fullest? In this article, we will show you how to do that in a few easy steps.


Loving You is a song by Blackie and Elaine, released on September 7, 2023. It is a romantic R&B track that showcases the chemistry and harmony between the two singers. The song is about expressing their feelings for each other and wanting to make their relationship work. The song has a catchy melody, smooth vocals, and relatable lyrics that appeal to many listeners.

Who are Blackie and Elaine?

Blackie is a rapper, singer, songwriter, and producer from Durban, South Africa. He rose to fame in 2020 with his debut album B4Now, which featured hits like Big Time Sh’lappa, Stripes, and David. He is known for his versatile style, blending hip-hop, trap, afrobeat, and pop influences. He has collaborated with artists like Nasty C, Flvme, Lucasraps, and Gemini Major.

Elaine is a singer and songwriter from Pretoria, South Africa. She started her career in 2019 with her EP Elements, which became a platinum-selling record in South Africa. She is known for her soulful voice, emotive lyrics, and R&B sound. She has been dubbed as the “Queen of R&B” in South Africa, and has won several awards, including the SAMA for Best R&B/Soul Album. She has also signed a deal with Columbia Records in the US.

What is Loving You about?

Loving You is a song that expresses the feelings of two people who are in love but face some challenges in their relationship. They want to make it work, but they also have doubts and fears. They reassure each other that they are committed and loyal, and that they will overcome any obstacles together. They also celebrate their bond and their happiness.

The chorus of the song goes like this:

See I really really want to
Yeah I wanna make it right for the first time
I wanna see it through for the long run
I wanna make it through
I wanna make it through
Yeah I’m loving you
Yeah I’m loving you
Yeah I’m loving you
Yeah I’m loving you

Why is Loving You so popular?

Loving You is a popular song because it has many elements that make it appealing to a wide audience. Some of these elements are:

  • The collaboration between Blackie and Elaine, who are both well-known and respected artists in South Africa.
  • The genre of R&B, which is popular among many music fans across different age groups and backgrounds.
  • The theme of love, which is universal and relatable to many people who have experienced or are experiencing similar situations.
  • The quality of the production, which is crisp, smooth, and catchy.
  • The promotion of the song, which has been done through various platforms such as radio, TV, social media, and streaming services

    How to download Loving You

    Now that you know more about Loving You and why it is such a great song, you might be wondering how you can download it and listen to it anytime you want. Well, there are two main options that you can choose from: streaming platforms and MP3 download sites. Let’s take a look at each one and see how they work.

    Option 1: Streaming platforms

    Streaming platforms are online services that allow you to listen to music without downloading it to your device. You can access them through your web browser, mobile app, or desktop app. Some of the most popular streaming platforms are Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music. Here is how you can use them to listen to Loving You:


    Spotify is one of the most popular streaming platforms in the world, with over 365 million users. It has a huge library of music, podcasts, and playlists that you can enjoy. To listen to Loving You on Spotify, you need to do the following:

    1. Create a free account or log in with your existing one.
    2. Search for Loving You by Blackie and Elaine in the search bar.
    3. Click on the song and enjoy.

    You can also add the song to your library, playlist, or queue for later. If you want to download the song for offline listening, you need to have a premium subscription, which costs $9.99 per month. You can also get a free trial for 30 days.

    Apple Music

    Apple Music is another popular streaming platform, especially for iOS users. It has over 75 million users and a large catalog of music, radio, and podcasts. To listen to Loving You on Apple Music, you need to do the following:

    1. Create a free account or log in with your existing one.
    2. Search for Loving You by Blackie and Elaine in the search bar.
    3. Click on the song and enjoy.

    You can also add the song to your library, playlist, or queue for later. If you want to download the song for offline listening, you need to have a subscription, which costs $9.99 per month. You can also get a free trial for 3 months.

    YouTube Music

    YouTube Music is a streaming platform that is based on YouTube, the largest video-sharing platform in the world. It has over 50 million users and a huge collection of music videos, live performances, covers, and remixes. To listen to Loving You on YouTube Music, you need to do the following:

    1. Create a free account or log in with your existing one.
    2. Search for Loving You by Blackie and Elaine in the search bar.
    3. Click on the song and enjoy.

    You can also add the song to your library, playlist, or queue for later. If you want to download the song for offline listening, you need to have a premium subscription, which costs $9.99 per month. You can also get a free trial for 1 month.

    Option 2: MP3 download sites

    If you prefer to download Loving You as an MP3 file and save it to your device, you can use one of the many MP3 download sites that are available online. These sites allow you to download music for free, without any registration or subscription. However, you should be careful when using these sites, as some of them may contain viruses, malware, or illegal content. Here are some of the MP3 download sites that you can use to download Loving You:


    Fakaza is one of the most popular MP3 download sites in South Africa. It has a large collection of South African music, including hip-hop, R&B, house, gospel, and more. To download Loving You from Fakaza, you need to do the following:

    1. Go to [Fakaza] and search for Loving You by Blackie and Elaine in the search bar.
    2. Click on the song and scroll down to the download button.
    3. Click on the download button and choose the quality and format that you want.
    4. Wait for the download to finish and enjoy.


    Zamusic is another popular MP3 download site in South Africa. It has a wide range of music genres, including afrobeat, amapiano, kwaito, maskandi, and more. To download Loving You from Zamusic, you need to do the following:

    1. Go to [Zamusic] and search for Loving You by Blackie and Elaine in the search bar.
    2. Click on the song and scroll down to the download button.
    3. Click on the download button and choose the quality and format that you want.
    4. Wait for the download to finish and enjoy.


    NaijaVibes is an MP3 download site that focuses on Nigerian and African music. It has a variety of music styles, including afro-pop, highlife, reggae, dancehall, and more. To download Loving You from NaijaVibes, you need to do the following:

    1. Go to [NaijaVibes] and search for Loving You by Blackie and Elaine in the search bar.
    2. Click on the song and scroll down to the download button.
    3. Click on the download button and choose the quality and format that you want.
    4. Wait for the download to finish and enjoy.

    How to enjoy Loving You

    Now that you have downloaded Loving You, you might be wondering how you can enjoy it even more. Well, there are many ways that you can do that, depending on your mood and preference. Here are some of the ways that you can enjoy Loving You:

    Listen to the lyrics

    Loving You is a song that has meaningful and heartfelt lyrics that convey the emotions of the singers. If you want to appreciate the song more, you can listen to the lyrics carefully and try to understand what they are saying. You can also look up the lyrics online or read them from the streaming platforms or MP3 download sites. By listening to the lyrics, you can connect with the song on a deeper level and feel what they feel.

    Watch the official audio video

    Loving You has an official audio video that was released on YouTube on September 7, 2023. The video has over 10 million views and 200 thousand likes as of October 30, 2023. The video shows a simple but elegant animation of two hearts beating in sync with each other. The video also has the lyrics displayed on the screen, so you can sing along with them. By watching the official audio video, you can enjoy the song visually and audibly.

    Sing along with the karaoke version

    Loving You is a song that has a catchy melody and chorus that make it easy to sing along with. If you want to have some fun with the song, you can sing along with it using a karaoke version. A karaoke version is a version of the song that has no vocals, only instrumental music. You can find a karaoke version of Loving You on YouTube or other online platforms. By singing along with the karaoke version, you can express yourself through the song and have a good time.


    Loving You is a song by Blackie and Elaine that is one of the best songs of 2023. It is a romantic R&B track that showcases the chemistry and harmony between the two singers. The song is about expressing their feelings for each other and wanting to make their relationship work. The song has a catchy melody, smooth vocals, and relatable lyrics that appeal to many listeners. In this article, we have shown you how to download Loving You and enjoy it to the fullest. You can choose between streaming platforms and MP3 download sites, depending on your preference and convenience. You can also listen to the lyrics, watch the official audio video, or sing along with the karaoke version, depending on your mood and preference. We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. And if you liked this article, please share it with your friends and family who might also enjoy Loving You by Blackie and Elaine. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!


    Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Loving You by Blackie and Elaine:

    1. When was Loving You released?
    2. Loving You was released on September 7, 2023.

    3. Who produced Loving You?
    4. Loving You was produced by Blackie himself, with co-production from Gemini Major.

    5. Where can I find the lyrics of Loving You?
    6. You can find the lyrics of Loving You on the streaming platforms or MP3 download sites that we have mentioned in this article. You can also find them on [Genius] or [].

    7. Is there a music video for Loving You?
    8. As of October 30, 2023, there is no official music video for Loving You. However, there is an official audio video that you can watch on YouTube.

    9. Where can I follow Blackie and Elaine on social media?
    10. You can follow Blackie and Elaine on their official social media accounts:

      • Blackie: [Instagram], [Twitter], [Facebook]
      • Elaine: [Instagram], [Twitter], [Facebook]


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