Download Data Model Micom S1 Agile 📢

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author image by eanrsmo | 0 Comments | 09 Jul 2023

How to Download and Use Data Model MiCOM S1 Agile

Data model MiCOM S1 Agile is a universal IED engineering tool suite that provides users with access to all automation IED configuration and record data. It supports all existing MiCOM ranges, including legacy products such as K-series and Modulex, and includes a utility for automatic conversion of setting files from previous generations of numerical relays like K-series and MiCOM P20 to the latest P40 Agile models. It also offers a fresh new look, with functions and components presented as tiles rather than menu items for more intuitive use.

Data model MiCOM S1 Agile has many benefits, such as:

  • Powerful, free of charge, PC tool suite
  • Optimum management of the installed base, structured as per the substation topology
  • Intuitive and versatile interface with file management facilities
  • Logical structure based on substation, voltage level, and bay
  • Version control and cross-checking facilities for IED settings
  • Real-time measurement visualization
  • Integrated configuration and monitoring features
  • Send and extract setting files
  • Event and disturbance record extraction and analysis
  • Integrated programmable curve tool and redundant Ethernet configuration for protection relays
  • Integrated automatic extraction of disturbance records facility
  • Integrated P740 and P746 remote HMI and topology tools for busbar schemes
  • Smart grid ready

To download and use data model MiCOM S1 Agile, you need to have a Windows PC with internet access, an email address, and a compatible MiCOM device. You also need to follow these steps:

How to Download Data Model MiCOM S1 Agile

  1. To receive data model MiCOM S1 Agile, or any other MiCOM PC tools software by download, you need to use the contact form on GE Grid Solutions website. This will also ensure that you are kept up-to-date with all the latest enhancements, including updates and bug fixes.
  2. You will receive an email from GE Grid Solutions with a download link for data model MiCOM S1 Agile. Click on the link and save the file on your computer.
  3. To install data model MiCOM S1 Agile, run the setup file on your computer and follow the instructions on the screen. You may need to restart your computer after the installation is complete.
  4. To launch data model MiCOM S1 Agile, you can use the Windows Start menu or the desktop shortcut. You will see the launch screen with different tiles for various applications.
  5. To import or add data models from the internet or your computer, you need to open the Data Model Manager. This can be launched from the Windows Start menu or from the launch screen. You can then select Add or Import, depending on the source of your data models, and follow the instructions on the screen.

How to Use

How to Use Data Model MiCOM S1 Agile

Once you have downloaded and installed data model MiCOM S1 Agile, you can use it to create and manage configuration files for your IEDs, configure and monitor your IEDs using various features, and extract and analyze setting files, event and disturbance records, and logic files from your IEDs. Here are some of the main functions and features of data model MiCOM S1 Agile:

How to Create and Manage Configuration Files for Your IEDs

To create and manage configuration files for your IEDs, you need to open the Configuration Manager. This can be launched from the Windows Start menu or from the launch screen. You can then select New or Open, depending on whether you want to create a new configuration file or open an existing one. You can also use the File menu to save, close, or export your configuration files.

A configuration file contains all the information related to a specific IED, such as its name, address, settings, logic, and communication parameters. You can edit these information using the tabs and menus on the Configuration Manager window. You can also use the toolbar buttons to perform common actions, such as sending or extracting settings, opening the logic editor, or launching the device monitor.

You can organize your configuration files in a logical structure based on substation, voltage level, and bay. You can also use the search function to find a specific configuration file or IED. You can also use the version control and cross-checking facilities to compare different versions of configuration files or settings.

How to Configure and Monitor Your IEDs Using Various Features

To configure and monitor your IEDs using various features, you need to connect your PC to your IEDs using a suitable communication interface, such as serial port, Ethernet port, or USB port. You also need to make sure that your PC and your IEDs have compatible communication parameters, such as baud rate, IP address, or protocol.

Once you have established a connection between your PC and your IEDs, you can use data model MiCOM S1 Agile to perform various tasks, such as:

  • Send and extract setting files: You can send setting files from your PC to your IEDs or extract setting files from your IEDs to your PC using the Send/Extract Settings button on the toolbar or the Settings menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can also use the Batch Send/Extract Settings feature to send or extract setting files for multiple IEDs at once.
  • Event and disturbance record extraction and analysis: You can extract event and disturbance records from your IEDs to your PC using the Extract Records button on the toolbar or the Records menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can then use the Record Viewer application to view and analyze the records. You can also use the Automatic Record Extraction feature to automatically extract records from your IEDs at regular intervals.
  • Logic file extraction and editing: You can extract logic files from your IEDs to your PC using the Extract Logic button on the toolbar or the Logic menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can then use the Logic Editor application to edit and modify the logic files. You can also use the Send Logic button or menu to send logic files from your PC to your IEDs.
  • Real-time measurement visualization: You can view real-time measurements from your IEDs using the Device Monitor application. This can be launched from the Device Monitor button on the toolbar or the Monitor menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can also use the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Editor application to create custom graphical interfaces for displaying real-time measurements.
  • Integrated programmable curve tool: You can use the Programmable Curve Tool application to create custom curves for protection relays. This can be launched from the Programmable Curve Tool button on the toolbar or the Tools menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can then use the Send Curve button or menu to send curves from your PC to your protection relays.
  • Redundant Ethernet configuration: You can use data model MiCOM S1 Agile to configure redundant Ethernet communication for protection relays. This can be done by selecting Redundant Ethernet Configuration from the Tools menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can then specify the IP addresses and ports for each protection relay in a redundant Ethernet network.
  • P740 and P746 remote HMI and topology tools: You can use data model MiCOM S1 Agile to configure and monitor P740 busbar protection schemes and P746 transformer differential protection schemes. This can be done by selecting P740 Remote HMI or P746 Remote HMI from the Tools menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can then use the Remote HMI application to view and control P740 or P746 devices remotely. You can also use the Topology Tool application to view and edit the topology of P740 or P746 schemes.


Data model MiCOM S1 Agile is a powerful and versatile software tool that allows you to download, install, and use data models for various MiCOM devices. It enables you to create and manage configuration files, configure and monitor your IEDs, and extract and analyze setting files, event and disturbance records, and logic files from your IEDs. It also offers a range of additional features, such as programmable curve tool, redundant Ethernet configuration, and remote HMI and topology tools for busbar and transformer protection schemes.

To download and use data model MiCOM S1 Agile, you need to request and receive the software from GE Grid Solutions, install and launch the software on your PC, and import or add data models from the internet or your computer. You can then use the Configuration Manager, the Device Monitor, the Record Viewer, the Logic Editor, the GUI Editor, the Programmable Curve Tool, the Redundant Ethernet Configuration, and the Remote HMI and Topology Tool applications to perform various tasks with your IEDs.

Data model MiCOM S1 Agile is a smart grid ready tool that can help you optimize the performance and reliability of your protection and automation systems. It is also free of charge and easy to use. If you have any questions or need any support, you can contact GE Grid Solutions through their website or email.


What are the supported operating systems and languages for data model MiCOM S1 Agile?

Data model MiCOM S1 Agile supports Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2016 SP1, Windows Server 2019 SP1 operating systems. It also supports English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean languages.

What are the supported MiCOM ranges and devices for data model MiCOM S1 Agile?

Data model MiCOM S1 Agile supports all existing MiCOM ranges, including legacy products such as K-series and Modulex. It also supports P40 Agile Enhanced models (P14x Enhanced series), P40 Agile Compact models (P14x Compact series), P40 Agile Advanced models (P54x series), P40 Agile Busbar models (P74x series), P40 Agile Transformer models (P64x series), P40 Agile Line Differential models (P54x series), P40 Agile Distance models (P44x series), P40 Agile Overcurrent models (P24x series), P40 Agile Voltage models (P34x series), P40 Agile Frequency models (P94x series), P40 Agile Synchrocheck models (P59x series), P40 Agile Breaker Management models (P54x series).

How can I convert settings files from previous generations of numerical relays to the latest P40 Agile models?

You can use the Settings Conversion Utility application to convert settings files from previous generations of numerical relays such as K-series and MiCOM P20 to the latest P40 Agile models. This can be launched from the Settings Conversion Utility button on the toolbar or the Tools menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can then select the source and target devices and settings files and follow the instructions on the screen.

How can I access the user guide and release notes for data model MiCOM S1 Agile?

You can access the user guide and release notes for data model MiCOM S1 Agile by selecting Help from the Configuration Manager window. You can then select User Guide or Release Notes from the menu. You can also access them online by visiting GE Grid Solutions website.

How can I update or troubleshoot data model MiCOM S1 Agile?

You can update or troubleshoot data model MiCOM S1 Agile by selecting Check for Updates or Troubleshooting from the Help menu on the Configuration Manager window. You can also contact GE Grid Solutions through their website or email if you need any assistance or support.


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