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MPB: The Best Old Songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s to Download

If you are a fan of Brazilian music, you probably know what MPB stands for. Música Popular Brasileira, or Popular Brazilian Music, is a term that encompasses a variety of musical genres that emerged in Brazil in the second half of the 20th century. MPB is not a single style, but rather a fusion of different influences, such as samba, bossa nova, rock, jazz, baião, and regional folk music. MPB is also known for its sophisticated lyrics, often inspired by poetry, social criticism, and Brazilian culture.

MPB is one of the most important expressions of Brazilian identity and creativity. It has produced many talented artists who have contributed to the richness and diversity of Brazilian music. Some of the most famous names in MPB are Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Elis Regina, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Jorge Ben Jor, Marisa Monte, Djavan, and many others.

In this article, we will explore the history and evolution of MPB, how to download MPB songs from the internet legally and ethically, and what are some of the best MPB songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s that you can enjoy on your device.

What is MPB and why is it important for Brazilian culture?

The origins and evolution of MPB

MPB emerged in the mid-1960s as a reaction to the dominance of foreign music in Brazil, especially rock and roll. Many Brazilian musicians wanted to create a more authentic and original music that reflected their own culture and reality. They also wanted to express their opinions and feelings about the political and social situation in Brazil, which was under a military dictatorship at the time.

The first generation of MPB artists was influenced by bossa nova, a musical style that combined samba rhythms with jazz harmonies and melodies. Bossa nova was created in the late 1950s by artists such as João Gilberto, Antônio Carlos Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, and others. Bossa nova was very popular both in Brazil and abroad, especially in the United States.

However, some bossa nova musicians felt that their music was becoming too commercialized and detached from the Brazilian reality. They started to experiment with other musical genres and elements, such as regional folk music, African rhythms, electric instruments, psychedelic effects, and avant-garde techniques. They also adopted a more critical and provocative attitude towards the political and cultural establishment.

This new wave of musical innovation was called tropicalismo or tropicália. Some of the main representatives of tropicalismo were Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Tom Zé, Os Mutantes, Torquato Neto, Rogério Duprat, and others. Tropicalismo was a short-lived but influential movement that challenged the boundaries between national and foreign music, highbrow and lowbrow culture, tradition and modernity.

Tropicalismo was also controversial and persecuted by the military regime. Many tropicalist artists were arrested, censored, exiled, or harassed by the authorities. Tropicalismo ended in 1969 when Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil were forced to leave Brazil.

After tropicalismo, MPB continued to evolve and diversify in the following decades. Many new artists emerged with their own styles and influences. Some of them followed the tradition of lyrical and poetic songwriting, such as Chico Buarque, Milton Nascimento, Elis Regina, Maria Bethânia, and others. Some of them explored the roots and diversity of Brazilian regional music, such as Luiz Gonzaga, Alceu Valença, Elba Ramalho, Fagner, and others. Some of them incorporated elements of rock, pop, funk, soul, reggae, and rap into their music, such as Jorge Ben Jor, Tim Maia, Rita Lee, Raul Seixas, Lulu Santos, Legião Urbana, Cazuza, Marisa Monte, and others.

MPB also had a strong influence on other musical genres in Brazil, such as sertanejo, pagode, axé, forró, lambada, and funk carioca. MPB also influenced many artists from other countries who admired and collaborated with Brazilian musicians.

MPB is still alive and vibrant today. Many new artists have emerged in the 21st century with their own contributions to the MPB legacy. Some of them are Lenine, Adriana Calcanhotto, Seu Jorge, Ana Carolina, Vanessa da Mata, Marcelo D2, Criolo, Emicida, and others.

How to download MPB songs from the internet?

The legal and ethical issues of downloading music

Downloading music from the internet is a common practice nowadays. However, it also raises some legal and ethical issues that you should be aware of before you do it.

First of all, you should know that not all music that is available on the internet is free or legal to download. Many songs are protected by copyright laws that grant the exclusive rights to the authors and producers of the music. These rights include the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display the music. If you download music without the permission or authorization of the rights holders, you may be infringing their rights and breaking the law.

Secondly, you should also consider the ethical implications of downloading music without paying for it. When you download music for free, you are not supporting the artists and the music industry that create and produce the music. You are depriving them of their fair compensation and recognition for their work. You are also contributing to the decline of the quality and diversity of music that is available on the market.

Therefore, before you download any music from the internet, you should ask yourself these questions:

  • Is this music free or legal to download?
  • Is this music authorized or licensed by the rights holders?
  • Is this music respectful of the original authors and producers?
  • Is this music beneficial or harmful to the artists and the music industry?

If you are not sure about the answers to these questions, you should avoid downloading that music or look for alternative sources that are more reliable and ethical.

The best websites and apps to download MPB songs

If you want to download MPB songs from the internet legally and ethically, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of the best websites and apps that offer MPB songs for download:

  • Palco MP3: This is one of the largest platforms for independent Brazilian music. You can find thousands of MPB songs from new and established artists. You can download them for free or pay a small fee to support the artists.
  • Spotify: This is one of the most popular streaming services in the world. You can listen to millions of songs from different genres and countries. You can also download them offline if you subscribe to Spotify Premium.
  • Deezer: This is another popular streaming service that offers a large catalog of songs from various artists and labels. You can also download them offline if you subscribe to Deezer Premium.
  • Apple Music: This is a streaming service that is integrated with iTunes and Apple devices. You can access millions of songs from different genres and countries. You can also download them offline if you subscribe to Apple Music.
  • YouTube Music: This is a streaming service that is based on YouTube videos. You can watch and listen to millions of songs from different genres and countries. You can also download them offline if you subscribe to YouTube Music Premium.

These are some of the best websites and apps that offer MPB songs for download. However, you should also check the terms and conditions of each website and app before you download any music from them. You should also respect the rights and wishes of the artists and the music industry. Remember that downloading music is not only a matter of convenience, but also of responsibility and appreciation.

What are some of the most popular MPB songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s?

A table with the top 10 MPB songs from each decade

MPB has produced many memorable songs that have marked the history and culture of Brazil. Here is a table with the top 10 MPB songs from each decade, based on their popularity, quality, and significance:

Decade Song Artist
70s Aquarela do Brasil Gal Costa
O que é o que é Gonzaguinha
Águas de Março Elis Regina and Tom Jobim
Paisagem da Janela Lô Borges
O Bêbado e a Equilibrista Elis Regina
Como nossos pais Elis Regina
Sampa Caetano Veloso
Mas que nada Jorge Ben Jor
Gita Raul Seixas
Fio Maravilha Jorge Ben Jor
80s Lanterna dos Afogados Paralamas do Sucesso
Meu Erro Paralamas do Sucesso
Codinome Beija-Flor Cazuza
Como uma Onda Lulu Santos
Tempo Perdido Legião Urbana
Menino do Rio Baby Consuelo
Lilás Djavan
Fullgás Marina Lima
Garota de Ipanema Tom Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes
Bem que se quis Marisa Monte
90s O Canto da Cidade Daniela Mercury
Ainda Lembro Marisa Monte and Ed Motta
Pra ver se cola Deborah Blando
É o Tchan É o Tchan
Malandragem Cássia Eller
Epitáfio Titas
Anna Júlia Los Hermanos
Pacato Cidadão Skank
Primeiros Erros Kiko Zambianchi

A brief description of each song and its significance

Here are some brief descriptions of each song and its significance for MPB and Brazilian culture:

Aquarela do Brasil (1974)

This is a classic song written by Ary Barroso in 1939 and popularized by Gal Costa in 1974. It is a patriotic and optimistic song that celebrates the beauty and diversity of Brazil, from its natural landscapes to its cultural expressions. It is considered one of the most important songs in Brazilian history and has been recorded by many artists, both national and international.

O que é o que é (1976)

This is a philosophical and poetic song written by Gonzaguinha, the son of the legendary samba composer Luiz Gonzaga. It is a song that asks existential questions about life, love, happiness, and death. It is a song that reflects the social and political context of Brazil in the 70s, marked by repression, violence, and inequality. It is also a song that expresses hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

Águas de Março (1972)

This is a masterpiece written by Tom Jobim, one of the creators of bossa nova. It is a song that describes the end of the rainy season in Brazil, using a series of metaphors and images that evoke the cycle of nature and life. It is a song that combines simplicity and sophistication, both in its lyrics and its melody. It is a song that has been praised by critics and musicians as one of the best songs ever written.

Paisagem da Janela (1972)

This is a beautiful song written by Lô Borges and Fernando Brant, two members of the Clube da Esquina, a musical collective from Minas Gerais that influenced MPB in the 70s. It is a song that describes the view from a window, using poetic language and imagery. It is a song that conveys a sense of nostalgia, longing, and wonder.

O Bêbado e a Equilibrista (1979)

This is a powerful song written by João Bosco and Aldir Blanc, two prominent MPB artists from Rio de Janeiro. It is a song that denounces the dictatorship and its atrocities, using allegories and symbols. It is also a song that pays tribute to Elis Regina, one of the greatest singers of MPB, who died in 1982. It is a song that became an anthem for democracy and human rights in Brazil.

Como nossos pais (1976)

This is an iconic song written by Belchior and immortalized by Elis Regina. It is a song that expresses the generational conflict between the young people who fought for social change in the 60s and 70s and their parents who were more conservative and conformist. It is also a song that reflects the disillusionment and frustration of the youth who faced censorship, oppression, and violence from the regime.

Sampa (1978)

This is an emblematic song written by Caetano Veloso, one of the leaders of tropicalismo. It is a song that describes his impressions of São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil and Latin America. It is a song that captures the contrast between the urban chaos and the cultural richness of São Paulo, using metaphors and references to literature, music, cinema, and art. It is also a song that shows his admiration and affection for São Paulo.

Mas que nada (1963)

This is an infectious song written by Jorge Ben Jor, one of the most innovative and influential artists of MPB. It is a song that mixes samba with jazz and soul, creating a new musical style called samba-rock. It is also a song that uses slang and humor to convey a message of joy and optimism. It is a song that has been covered by many artists around the world, such as Sergio Mendes, Ella Fitzgerald, Al Jarreau, Black Eyed Peas, among others.

Gita (1974)</

Gita (1974)

This is a mystical song written by Raul Seixas, one of the most original and controversial artists of MPB. It is a song that is inspired by the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita, which tells the story of a dialogue between the god Krishna and the warrior Arjuna. It is also a song that reflects Raul Seixas’ personal philosophy and worldview, influenced by occultism, esotericism, and anarchism. It is a song that challenges the conventional and dogmatic beliefs of society.

Fio Maravilha (1972)

This is a cheerful song written by Jorge Ben Jor, dedicated to a famous Brazilian soccer player named João Batista de Sales, nicknamed Fio Maravilha. It is a song that narrates the goal that Fio Maravilha scored in a match against Benfica, a Portuguese team, in 1971. It is also a song that celebrates the passion and talent of Brazilian soccer players, as well as the joy and pride of Brazilian fans.

Lanterna dos Afogados (1989)

This is a romantic song written by Herbert Vianna, the leader of Paralamas do Sucesso, one of the most successful rock bands in Brazil. It is a song that uses the metaphor of a lighthouse to express the longing and devotion of a lover who waits for his or her partner to return from the sea. It is also a song that pays homage to the fishermen and their wives who live in the northeastern coast of Brazil.

Meu Erro (1985)

This is an energetic song written by Herbert Vianna, also from Paralamas do Sucesso. It is a song that confesses the mistake of letting go of a loved one and asks for forgiveness and another chance. It is also a song that showcases the musical versatility and skill of Paralamas do Sucesso, who combined rock, pop, reggae, and ska in their songs.

Codinome Beija-Flor (1985)

This is a poignant song written by Reinaldo Arias, Ezequiel Neves, and Cazuza, one of the most emblematic and charismatic singers of MPB. It is a song that tells the story of a forbidden and tragic love affair between two people who use code names to hide their identities. It is also a song that reflects Cazuza’s personal life and struggles, as he was openly bisexual and HIV-positive in a conservative and homophobic society.

Como uma Onda (1983)

This is a catchy song written by Lulu Santos and Nelson Motta, two prominent MPB artists from Rio de Janeiro. It is a song that compares love to a wave that comes and goes, bringing joy and sorrow. It is also a song that became very popular due to its use as the theme song of a soap opera with the same name.

Tempo Perdido (1986)

This is an iconic song written by Renato Russo, the leader of Legião Urbana, one of the most influential rock bands in Brazil. It is a song that talks about the wasted time and opportunities in life and love. It is also a song that resonates with many young people who feel lost and disillusioned in a complex and chaotic world.

Menino do Rio (1980)

This is an enchanting song written by Caetano Veloso and performed by Baby Consuelo, one of the members of Os Mutantes. It is a song that describes the beauty and charm of a boy from Rio de Janeiro, who enjoys surfing and sunbathing on the beach. It is also a song that captures the spirit and lifestyle of Rio de Janeiro, known as the “marvelous city”.

Lilás (1984)

This is an elegant song written by Djavan, one of the most sophisticated and versatile artists of MPB. It is a song that uses the color lilac as a symbol of love and mystery. It is also a song that demonstrates Djavan’s musical talent and creativity, as he blends elements of jazz, pop, soul, and samba in his songs.

Fullgás (1984)

This is an upbeat song written by Marina Lima and Antônio Cícero, two prominent MPB artists from Rio de Janeiro. It is a song that expresses the desire to live life at full speed and intensity. It is also a song that reflects the urban culture and modernity of Brazil in the 80s.


MPB is more than just music. It is an expression of Brazilian culture

MPB is more than just music. It is an expression of Brazilian culture, identity, and creativity. It is a fusion of different musical genres and influences, from samba to rock, from bossa nova to rap. It is also a reflection of the social and political context of Brazil, from the dictatorship to the democracy, from the poverty to the progress.

MPB has produced many amazing songs that have touched the hearts and minds of millions of people, both in Brazil and abroad. These songs are part of the Brazilian musical heritage and legacy. They are also part of the universal language of music that connects and inspires people from different backgrounds and cultures.

If you want to enjoy MPB songs on your device, you can download them from the internet legally and ethically. You can use some of the best websites and apps that offer MPB songs for download, such as Palco MP3, Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, and YouTube Music. However, you should also respect the rights and wishes of the artists and the music industry who create and produce these songs. You should also support them by buying their albums, attending their concerts, or spreading their music.

In this article, we have presented some of the best MPB songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s that you can download and enjoy. These songs are not only beautiful and catchy, but also meaningful and significant. They represent some of the most important moments and movements in MPB history and Brazilian culture. They also showcase some of the most talented and influential artists of MPB.

We hope that this article has helped you to learn more about MPB and its songs. We also hope that you have enjoyed listening to these songs and discovering their stories. We invite you to explore more MPB songs and artists on your own, as there are many more to discover and appreciate.


What does MPB stand for?

MPB stands for Música Popular Brasileira, or Popular Brazilian Music. It is a term that encompasses a variety of musical genres that emerged in Brazil in the second half of the 20th century.

Who are some of the most famous MPB artists?

Some of the most famous MPB artists are Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Elis Regina, Gilberto Gil, Milton Nascimento, Jorge Ben Jor, Marisa Monte, Djavan, among others.

What are some of the main influences and characteristics of MPB?

MPB is influenced by different musical genres and elements, such as samba, bossa nova, rock, jazz, baião, and regional folk music. MPB is also characterized by its sophisticated lyrics, often inspired by poetry, social criticism, and Brazilian culture.

What are some of the main movements and periods in MPB history?

Some of the main movements and periods in MPB history are tropicalismo or tropicália (1967-1969), Clube da Esquina (1972-1978), rock brasileiro (1980s), mangue beat (1990s), among others.

How can I download MPB songs from the internet legally and ethically?

You can download MPB songs from the internet legally and ethically by using some of the best websites and apps that offer MPB songs for download, such as Palco MP3, Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, and YouTube Music. However, you should also respect the rights and wishes of the artists and the music industry who create and produce these songs. You should also support them by buying their albums, attending their concerts, or spreading their music.


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