My Yandere Love Apk

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author image by lylelin | 0 Comments | 08 Jul 2023

My Yandere Love APK: A Fan-Made Game Based on Yandere Simulator

If you are a fan of anime, manga, or video games, you might have heard of Yandere Simulator, a stealth game that revolves around a love-obsessed schoolgirl who will stop at nothing to eliminate her rivals. But did you know that there is a fan-made game based on Yandere Simulator that you can play on your Android device? It’s called My Yandere Love APK, and it’s a fun and exciting game that lets you experience the life of a yandere in a different way. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about My Yandere Love APK, including what it is, how to download it, and why you should try it.

What is Yandere Simulator?

Before we dive into My Yandere Love APK, let’s first talk about the original game that inspired it: Yandere Simulator. Yandere Simulator is a game developed by an independent developer known as YandereDev, who started working on it in 2014. The game is still in development, but you can download the latest demo version from the official website.

The premise and gameplay of Yandere Simulator

The premise of Yandere Simulator is simple: you play as Ayano Aishi, a high school girl who has a crush on a boy named Taro Yamada (also known as Senpai). However, Ayano is not a normal girl; she is a yandere, a Japanese term that describes someone who is so obsessed with their love interest that they are willing to harm or kill anyone who gets in their way. Ayano’s goal is to eliminate ten rivals who also have feelings for Senpai, without getting caught by the police, the school staff, or Senpai himself.

The gameplay of Yandere Simulator is similar to other stealth games, such as Hitman or Metal Gear Solid. You have to plan your actions carefully, avoid being seen by witnesses, and dispose of any evidence. You can use various methods to get rid of your rivals, such as poisoning, kidnapping, blackmailing, befriending, or even matchmaking them with someone else. You can also join clubs, attend classes, improve your skills, and interact with other characters. The game has a dark and twisted humor, as well as many references to anime and pop culture.

The popularity and controversy of Yandere Simulator

Yandere Simulator has gained a lot of popularity and attention over the years, thanks to its unique concept, its frequent updates, and its coverage by many YouTube personalities and streamers. The game has millions of fans around the world, who eagerly await its completion and support its development through donations and feedback.

However, Yandere Simulator has also faced a lot of controversy and criticism, due to its violent and mature themes, its technical issues and bugs, and its slow development progress. The game has been banned from several platforms, such as Twitch and Discord, for violating their terms of service. The developer has also been accused of being unprofessional, dishonest, and abusive by some former collaborators and critics. Despite these challenges, YandereDev has stated that he will continue working on the game until it is finished.

What is My Yandere Love APK?

Now that you have an idea of what Y

My Yandere Love APK is a fan-made game that is based on Yandere Simulator, but with some differences and features that make it unique and enjoyable. The game was created by a YouTube user named Crossing Skeleton, who uploaded a video showcasing the game in 2022. The game is available for free download from MediaFire , and it can be played on any Android device that supports APK files.

A fan-made game inspired by Yandere Simulator

My Yandere Love APK is not an official game made by YandereDev, but rather a tribute and a homage to his work. The game uses some assets and models from Yandere Simulator, such as the school, the characters, and the music, but it also adds some original elements and changes. The game is not meant to be a copy or a replacement of Yandere Simulator, but rather a different way to enjoy the yandere genre and the fan community.

The features and differences of My Yandere Love APK

My Yandere Love APK has some features and differences that make it stand out from Yandere Simulator. Some of them are:

  • The game is more focused on the romance and the relationship between Ayano and Senpai, rather than the stealth and the elimination of rivals. The game has more dialogue options, cutscenes, and interactions with Senpai, as well as a dating system that allows you to go on dates with him and increase your affection level.
  • The game has a different story and a different ending than Yandere Simulator. The game follows Ayano’s journey as she tries to confess her love to Senpai, while dealing with her rivals and her inner demons. The game has multiple endings, depending on your choices and actions throughout the game.
  • The game has fewer rivals and fewer methods to eliminate them than Yandere Simulator. The game only has five rivals, who are Osana Najimi, Amai Odayaka, Kizana Sunobu, Oka Ruto, and Megami Saikou. The game also has fewer weapons, items, and options to get rid of them, such as poisoning, kidnapping, or framing. However, the game also has some unique methods, such as using magic spells or summoning demons.
  • The game has more customization options than Yandere Simulator. The game allows you to change Ayano’s appearance, such as her hair style, hair color, eye color, skin tone, and outfit. You can also change Senpai’s appearance, as well as the appearance of some other characters. You can also choose your name and gender in the game.
  • The game has some mini-games and Easter eggs that add more fun and variety to the gameplay. The game has some mini-games that you can play with Senpai or other characters, such as cooking, dancing, or karaoke. The game also has some Easter eggs that reference other anime or games, such as Naruto, Doki Doki Literature Club, or Undertale.

How to download and play My Yandere Love APK

If you want to try My Yandere Love APK for yourself, here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Go to the MediaFire link provided by Crossing Skeleton in his YouTube video , or search for “My Yandere Love APK” on Google.
  2. Download the APK file to your Android device. Make sure you have enough storage space and a stable internet connection.
  3. Enable the installation of unknown sources on your device settings. This will allow you to install apps that are not from the Google Play Store.
  4. Open the APK file and follow the instructions to install the game.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

Why should you try My Yandere Love APK?

Now that you know what My Yandere Love APK is and how to download it, you might be wondering why you should give it a chance. After all, it is not an official game, and it might not be as polished or as complete as Yandere Simulator. However, there are some reasons why you might enjoy My Yandere Love APK more than you think. Here are some of them:

The pros and cons of My Yandere Love APK

Like any game, My Yandere Love APK has its pros and cons. Some of the pros are:

  • The game is free and easy to download and play. You don’t need a powerful device or a lot of storage space to run it.
  • The game is more romantic and less violent than Yandere Simulator. If you are looking for a more lighthearted and cute experience, you might prefer My Yandere Love APK.
  • The game has more customization and personalization options than Yandere Simulator. You can create your own avatar and your own Senpai, and make them look however you want.
  • The game has more mini-games and Easter eggs than Yandere Simulator. You can have fun playing different games with Senpai or other characters, or discover hidden secrets and references.

Some of the cons are:

  • The game is not as detailed or as realistic as Yandere Simulator. The graphics, the animations, and the physics are not as impressive or as smooth.
  • The game is not as challenging or as diverse as Yandere Simulator. The rivals are fewer and easier to eliminate, and the methods are more limited and simple.
  • The game is not as original or as creative as Yandere Simulator. The game borrows a lot of elements from Yandere Simulator, such as the characters, the music, and the setting, without adding much of its own flavor or style.
  • The game is not as updated or as supported as Yandere Simulator. The game does not have a dedicated website or a social media presence, and it does not receive frequent updates or bug fixes.

The feedback and reviews of My Yandere Love APK

My Yandere Love APK has received mixed feedback and reviews from the players who have tried it. Some of them have praised the game for its cute and romantic aspects, its customization options, and its mini-games. Some of them have criticized the game for its low quality, its lack of originality, and its technical issues. Here are some examples of the comments that players have left on Crossing Skeleton’s YouTube video:

“This game is so cute! I love how you can date Senpai and do different things with him. The graphics are not that bad, and the music is nice. I hope you will update it soon!”

“This game is trash. It’s just a rip-off of Yandere Simulator, but worse. The models are ugly, the animations are stiff, and the gameplay is boring. You should stop making this game and let YandereDev do his work.”

“This game is okay. It’s not as good as Yandere Simulator, but it’s not as bad as some people say. It has some fun features, like the magic spells and the Easter eggs, but it also has some problems, like the bugs and the glitches. I think it’s worth a try.”

The future updates and plans for My Yandere Love APK

According to Crossing Skeleton, he plans to continue working on My Yandere Love APK and improve it in the future. He has stated that he will add more rivals, more methods, more mini-games, more Easter eggs, and more customization options to the game. He has also said that he will fix some of the bugs and glitches that players have reported. However, he has not given a specific date or a schedule for when he will release these updates.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, My Yandere Love APK is a fan-made game based on Yandere Simulator that you can play on your Android device. The game is more focused on the romance and the relationship between Ayano and Senpai, rather than the stealth and the elimination of rivals. The game has some features and differences that make it unique and enjoyable, such as customization options, mini-games, Easter eggs, and multiple endings. However, the game also has some drawbacks and limitations that make it inferior to Yandere Simulator, such as low quality graphics, <|im_end animation, gameplay, originality, and support. The game has received mixed feedback and reviews from the players who have tried it, and it is still in development by Crossing Skeleton, who plans to update it in the future.

Call to action and invitation for comments

If you are curious about My Yandere Love APK and want to give it a try, you can download it from the link provided in this article. You can also watch Crossing Skeleton’s YouTube video to see more of the game and how it works. If you do play the game, we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on it. You can leave a comment below this article, or join our online community and share your experience with other fans. We hope you enjoy My Yandere Love APK and have fun playing as a yandere!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about My Yandere Love APK:

Q: Is My Yandere Love APK safe to download and play? A: Yes, My Yandere Love APK is safe to download and play, as long as you get it from the official link provided by Crossing Skeleton. However, you should always be careful when downloading files from unknown sources, and scan them for viruses or malware before opening them.
Q: Is My Yandere Love APK compatible with my device? A: My Yandere Love APK is compatible with most Android devices that support APK files. However, some devices might have trouble running the game smoothly, or might encounter some errors or crashes. If you have any issues with the game, you can contact Crossing Skeleton or report them on his YouTube channel.
Q: How long is My Yandere Love APK? A: My Yandere Love APK is not a very long game, as it only has five rivals and one week of gameplay. However, the game has multiple endings and choices that can affect the outcome of the story, so you can replay it several times and see different results. The game also has some mini-games and Easter eggs that can add more fun and variety to the gameplay.
Q: Can I play My Yandere Love APK offline? A: Yes, you can play My Yandere Love APK offline, as it does not require an internet connection to run. However, you might need an internet connection to download the game or to access some of its features, such as watching videos or sharing screenshots.
Q: Can I support the development of My Yandere Love APK? A: Yes, you can support the development of My Yandere Love APK by donating to Crossing Skeleton’s PayPal account, or by subscribing to his YouTube channel and watching his videos. You can also support him by giving him feedback and suggestions on how to improve the game, or by spreading the word about the game to your friends and other fans.

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