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author image by eanrsmo | 0 Comments | 11 Jul 2023

shorthandbookinurdupdf942: How to Learn Urdu Shorthand in Easy Steps

Urdu shorthand is a system of writing that uses symbols and abbreviations to represent words and phrases. It is a useful skill for anyone who wants to write faster, save time and space, and improve their memory and concentration. Urdu shorthand can be used for various purposes, such as taking notes, writing letters, making reports, transcribing speeches and more.

In this article, I will show you how to learn Urdu shorthand in easy steps with shorthandbookinurdupdf942, a comprehensive guide to Urdu shorthand by Abdul Majeed. This book is available for free download from Rekhta, a website that offers a vast collection of Urdu books and poetry.

What is shorthandbookinurdupdf942?

shorthandbookinurdupdf942 is a book that teaches Urdu shorthand in a simple and systematic way. It covers the basic principles, rules and techniques of Urdu shorthand, as well as the symbols and abbreviations for common words and phrases. It also provides exercises and examples to help you practice and improve your shorthand skills.

shorthandbookinurdupdf942 is written by Abdul Majeed, a renowned Urdu scholar and teacher who has authored many books on Urdu language and literature. He has also developed a new method of Urdu shorthand called Asan Urdu Shorthand, which is based on the phonetic system of Urdu.

How to download and read shorthandbookinurdupdf942?

To download and read shorthandbookinurdupdf942, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Rekhta website and search for shorthandbookinurdupdf942 or Asan Urdu Shorthand by Abdul Majeed.
  2. Click on the book title and then click on the download button.
  3. Save the file on your computer or mobile device and open it with a PDF reader.
  4. Read the book and follow the instructions and examples.

How to learn Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942?

To learn Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Start with the introduction chapter, which explains the purpose, benefits and history of Urdu shorthand.
  2. Learn the basic principles of Urdu shorthand, such as the direction, position, size and shape of symbols and abbreviations.
  3. Learn the symbols and abbreviations for vowels, consonants, diphthongs, prefixes, suffixes and common words.
  4. Learn the rules and techniques for joining symbols and abbreviations, forming phrases and sentences, using punctuation marks and special signs.
  5. Practice writing Urdu shorthand with the exercises given at the end of each chapter.
  6. Check your answers with the key provided at the end of the book.
  7. Review your progress and revise your mistakes.

I hope this article is helpful for you.

The Benefits of Learning Urdu Shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942

By learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942, you can enjoy many benefits that will enhance your writing and communication skills, such as:

  • You can write faster and more efficiently, saving time and energy.
  • You can write more clearly and accurately, avoiding spelling and grammar errors.
  • You can write more concisely and compactly, saving space and paper.
  • You can write more securely and confidentially, protecting your privacy and information.
  • You can write more creatively and expressively, using symbols and abbreviations as a form of art.
  • You can improve your memory and concentration, by using shorthand as a mental exercise.
  • You can expand your vocabulary and knowledge, by learning new words and phrases in Urdu shorthand.
  • You can enhance your career and education opportunities, by using shorthand as a valuable skill in various fields and professions.

I hope this article is helpful for you.

The Tips and Tricks for Learning Urdu Shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can be easy and fun if you follow some tips and tricks, such as:

  • Practice regularly and consistently, at least 15 minutes a day.
  • Read and write Urdu shorthand as much as possible, using books, newspapers, magazines, websites and more.
  • Listen and watch Urdu shorthand as much as possible, using audio, video, podcasts, movies and more.
  • Use flashcards and quizzes to test your knowledge and recall of symbols and abbreviations.
  • Join online or offline groups and forums to interact with other learners and experts of Urdu shorthand.
  • Seek feedback and guidance from your teachers, mentors or peers to improve your skills and correct your mistakes.
  • Set realistic and achievable goals and track your progress and improvement.
  • Have fun and enjoy the process of learning Urdu shorthand.

I hope this article is helpful for you.

The Challenges and Solutions for Learning Urdu Shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can also be challenging and difficult if you face some common problems and obstacles, such as:

  • Lack of motivation and interest: You may feel bored or discouraged by the complexity and difficulty of Urdu shorthand.
  • Lack of time and resources: You may not have enough time or access to the materials and tools needed for learning Urdu shorthand.
  • Lack of confidence and skill: You may doubt your ability or make frequent errors while learning Urdu shorthand.
  • Lack of support and feedback: You may not have anyone to help you or guide you while learning Urdu shorthand.

However, these challenges can be overcome and solved if you adopt some effective strategies and solutions, such as:

  • Find your motivation and interest: You can remind yourself of the benefits and goals of learning Urdu shorthand, and choose topics and materials that interest you.
  • Make time and resources: You can schedule your learning time and prioritize your tasks, and use online or offline sources and devices that are available to you.
  • Build confidence and skill: You can practice and review your skills regularly, and learn from your mistakes and successes.
  • Seek support and feedback: You can ask for help or advice from your teachers, mentors or peers, and join online or offline communities of Urdu shorthand learners.

The Resources and References for Learning Urdu Shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can be enhanced and enriched if you use some additional resources and references, such as:

  • Other books on Urdu shorthand: You can read other books on Urdu shorthand that cover different aspects and levels of the subject, such as Asan Urdu Shorthand Part 2 by Abdul Majeed, Urdu Shorthand Theory by Muhammad Aslam, Urdu Shorthand Dictation by Muhammad Aslam and more.
  • Other websites on Urdu shorthand: You can visit other websites on Urdu shorthand that offer more information and practice materials, such as Urdu Shorthand, a website that provides Urdu shorthand lessons, exercises, tests and more; Urdu Shorthand Online, a website that offers online courses on Urdu shorthand; Urdu Shorthand Forum, a website that allows you to interact with other Urdu shorthand learners and experts; and more.
  • Other apps on Urdu shorthand: You can download other apps on Urdu shorthand that help you to learn and improve your skills, such as Urdu Shorthand App, an app that teaches you the basics of Urdu shorthand; Urdu Shorthand Quiz App, an app that tests your knowledge of Urdu shorthand symbols and abbreviations; Urdu Shorthand Keyboard App, an app that enables you to type in Urdu shorthand on your device; and more.

I hope this article is helpful for you.

The Examples and Applications of Urdu Shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can be more practical and useful if you see some examples and applications of Urdu shorthand in real life, such as:

  • Urdu shorthand in journalism: You can use Urdu shorthand to take notes and report on news and events, such as interviews, speeches, press conferences and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in education: You can use Urdu shorthand to study and learn better, such as taking notes, writing summaries, making outlines and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in business: You can use Urdu shorthand to communicate and work more efficiently, such as writing memos, letters, reports, proposals and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in law: You can use Urdu shorthand to record and document legal matters, such as court proceedings, testimonies, depositions and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in literature: You can use Urdu shorthand to create and enjoy literary works, such as poems, stories, novels and more.

I hope this article is helpful for you.

The Future and Trends of Urdu Shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can be more relevant and interesting if you know some future and trends of Urdu shorthand in the modern world, such as:

  • Urdu shorthand in technology: You can use Urdu shorthand to interact with technology and devices, such as voice recognition, speech synthesis, text messaging and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in social media: You can use Urdu shorthand to communicate and connect with others online, such as blogs, forums, chats and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in art and culture: You can use Urdu shorthand to express and appreciate art and culture, such as calligraphy, graffiti, tattoos and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in innovation and research: You can use Urdu shorthand to explore and discover new ideas and knowledge, such as cryptography, linguistics, psychology and more.
  • Urdu shorthand in globalization and diversity: You can use Urdu shorthand to understand and respect different languages and cultures, such as translation, transcription, interpretation and more.

I hope this article is helpful for you.


Urdu shorthand is a system of writing that uses symbols and abbreviations to represent words and phrases. It is a skill that can help you to write faster, clearer, conciser, securer, more creative and more expressive. Urdu shorthand can be used for various purposes and fields, such as journalism, education, business, law, literature and more.

To learn Urdu shorthand, you can use shorthandbookinurdupdf942, a book that teaches Urdu shorthand in a simple and systematic way. It covers the basic principles, rules and techniques of Urdu shorthand, as well as the symbols and abbreviations for common words and phrases. It also provides exercises and examples to help you practice and improve your shorthand skills.

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can be easy and fun if you follow some tips and tricks, such as practicing regularly, reading and writing Urdu shorthand as much as possible, listening and watching Urdu shorthand as much as possible, using flashcards and quizzes to test your knowledge and recall of symbols and abbreviations, joining online or offline groups and forums to interact with other learners and experts of Urdu shorthand, seeking feedback and guidance from your teachers, mentors or peers to improve your skills and correct your mistakes, setting realistic and achievable goals and tracking your progress and improvement, and having fun and enjoying the process of learning Urdu shorthand.

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can also be enhanced and enriched if you use some additional resources and references, such as other books on Urdu shorthand that cover different aspects and levels of the subject, other websites on Urdu shorthand that offer more information and practice materials, other apps on Urdu shorthand that help you to learn and improve your skills.

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can also be more practical and useful if you see some examples and applications of Urdu shorthand in real life, such as Urdu shorthand in journalism, education, business, law, literature and more.

Learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 can also be more relevant and interesting if you know some future and trends of Urdu shorthand in the modern world, such as Urdu shorthand in technology, social media, art and culture, innovation and research, globalization and diversity.

In conclusion, learning Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942 is a great way to improve your writing and communication skills. It is a skill that can benefit you in many ways. It is a skill that can be learned easily and enjoyably. It is a skill that can be used widely and diversely. It is a skill that can be adapted to the changing world. If you want to learn Urdu shorthand with shorthandbookinurdupdf942, you can download it from Rekhta website for free. You will not regret it.

I hope this article is helpful for you.


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