Tekken 3 Apk Install

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author image by eanrsmo | 0 Comments | 08 Jul 2023


Tekken 3 APK Install: How to Play the Classic Fighting Game on Your Android Device

Tekken 3 is one of the most iconic and beloved fighting games of all time. Released in 1997 for the arcades and in 1998 for the PlayStation, Tekken 3 introduced a new generation of characters, improved graphics, and a fast and fluid gameplay that set the standard for the genre. Tekken 3 has been praised by critics and fans alike, and has sold over 8 million copies worldwide, making it the fifth best-selling PlayStation game ever.

But what if you want to relive the nostalgia of playing Tekken 3 on your Android device? Well, you’re in luck, because there is a way to download and install Tekken 3 APK on your smartphone or tablet. In this article, we will show you how to do it step by step, and also tell you about the features, modes, characters, moves, tips, and tricks of this amazing game. So, let’s get started!

How to Download and Install Tekken 3 APK on Android Devices?

Before you can play Tekken 3 on your Android device, you need to download and install the Tekken 3 APK file. This is a modified version of the original game that has been optimized for mobile devices. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to this website and download the Tekken 3 APK file. The file size is about 17 MB.
  2. Once the download is complete, go to your device’s Settings, then tap Security. Enable the option to install apps from unknown sources. This will allow you to install the APK file.
  3. Locate the downloaded APK file on your device’s file manager or downloads folder. Tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for the installation to finish.
  5. Once the installation is done, you will see a Tekken 3 icon on your home screen or app drawer. Tap on it to launch the game.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Tekken 3 APK on your Android device. Now you can enjoy playing this classic fighting game anytime, anywhere.

What are the Features and Modes of Tekken 3 Game?

Tekken 3 is a one-on-one fighting game that features 23 different characters, each with their own unique moves, combos, and styles. The game has various modes, such as Arcade, VS, Team Battle, Time Attack, Survival, Tekken Ball, Tekken Force, and Practice.

  • Arcade: This is the main mode of the game, where you have to fight against different opponents in a fixed order until you reach the final boss. You can choose from three difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, or Hard.
  • VS: This is the versus mode, where you can play against another human player or against the computer. You can choose from three match types: Single Match (one round), Best of Three (two rounds), or Best of Five (three rounds).
  • Team Battle: This is a team-based mode, where you can form a team of up to eight characters and fight against another team. The match ends when one team loses all its members.
  • Time Attack: This is a time-based mode, where you have to defeat as many opponents as possible in a limited time. You can choose from three time limits: 30 seconds, 60 seconds, or Infinite.
  • Survival: This is a survival-based mode, where you have to defeat as many opponents as possible without losing your health. Your health does not recover between matches, but you can get some recovery items by defeating certain opponents.
  • Tekken Ball: This is a bonus mode that is similar to beach volleyball, where you have to hit a ball with a powerful attack to damage your opponent or make them drop the ball. You can choose from three ball types: Normal, Fire, or Lightning.
  • Tekken Force: This is another bonus mode that is similar to a beat ’em up game, where you have to fight against waves of enemies in four stages. You can use items and weapons to help you along the way.
  • Practice: This is a training mode, where you can practice your moves, combos, and strategies against a dummy opponent. You can adjust the settings, such as the difficulty, the health, the guard, and the counter.

Tekken 3 also has a hidden mode called Theater Mode, where you can watch the ending movies of the characters you have completed the Arcade Mode with. You can also listen to the soundtracks and view the artwork of the game.

What are the Characters and Moves of Tekken 3 Game?

Tekken 3 has a diverse roster of characters, each with their own backstory, personality, and fighting style. Some of them are returning from previous games, while others are new to the series. Here is a list of the characters and their moves:

Name Style Signature Move
Paul Phoenix Judo and Karate Phoenix Smasher
Nina Williams Aikido and Koppo Blonde Bomb
Yoshimitsu Manji Ninjutsu Sword Spin
Lei Wulong Five Form Kung Fu Razor Rush
Anna Williams Aikido and Koppo Chaos Judgment
Heihachi Mishima</td

Mishima Style Karate</td

Electric Wind God Fist</td </tr <tr

Kazuya Mishima (unlockable)</td

Mishima Style Karate</td

Devil Beam (as Devil)</td </tr <tr

King II</td

Lucha Libre and Wrestling</td

Giant Swing</td </tr <tr

Kuma II/Panda (alternate costume)</td

Bear Fighting Style</td

Fart (as Kuma)</td </tr <tr

Eddy Gordo/Tiger Jackson (alternate costume)</td


Negativa to Armada de Costa (as Eddy)</td </tr <tr

Ling Xiaoyu/Miharu Hirano (alternate costume)</td

Piguaquan and Baguazhang</td

Rain Dance (as Xiaoyu)</td
Hwoarang Taekwondo Flamingo Stance
Jin Kazama Mishima Style Karate and Kazama Style Martial Arts Wind Hook Fist
Julia Chang/Michelle Chang (alternate costume) Xingyiquan and Native American Fighting Style Party Crasher
Bryan Fury Kickboxing and Military Martial Arts Mach Breaker
Gun Jack/Jack-2 (alternate costume)</td

Power Fighting Style</td

Megaton Punch</td </tr <tr

Forest Law/Marshall Law (alternate costume)</td

Jeet Kune Do</td

Junkyard Kick</td </tr <tr

Mokujin/Tetsujin (alternate costume)</td

Mimics Other Characters’ Styles</td

Random Move (depends on the character mimicked)</td </tr <tr

Ogre/True Ogre (unlockable)</td

Ancient Fighting Style</td

Blazing Kick (as Ogre), Fire Breath (as True Ogre)</td </tr <tr

Nina Williams (unlockable)</td

Aikido and Koppo</td

Blonde Bomb</td </tr <tr

Gon (unlockable)</td

Gon’s Fighting Style</td

Gon Ball (as Gon)</td </tr <tr

Dr. Bosconovitch (unlockable)</td

Bosconovitch Style Martial Arts</td

Sit Down (as Dr. B)</td </tr

To perform the moves of each character, you need to input a combination of buttons and directions on the controller. You can check the move list of each character in the game menu or in the Practice Mode. You can also customize the button configuration to suit your preference.

What are some Tips and Tricks to Master Tekken 3 Game?

Tekken 3 is a game that requires skill, strategy, and practice to master. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your game:

  • Learn the basics: Before you jump into the advanced techniques, you need to learn the basics of the game, such as the controls, the moves, the combos, the counters, the throws, the blocks, and the sidesteps. You can use the Practice Mode to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics and the characters.
  • Choose your character: Tekken 3 has a variety of characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You should choose a character that suits your playstyle and preference. You can also try different characters to find out which one works best for you.
  • Know your opponent: Tekken 3 is a game that requires you to adapt to different situations and opponents. You should know the moves, combos, patterns, and habits of your opponent, and use them to your advantage. You can also use the VS Mode or the Arcade Mode to practice against different characters and learn their weaknesses.
  • Use your environment: Tekken 3 has different stages, each with their own features and hazards. You should use your environment to your benefit, such as using walls, corners, or obstacles to trap or damage your opponent. You can also use the stage transitions to change the scenery and surprise your opponent.
  • Be unpredictable: Tekken 3 is a game that rewards creativity and unpredictability. You should not rely on the same moves or combos all the time, as your opponent will eventually catch on and counter you. You should mix up your attacks, vary your timing, and use feints and fake-outs to confuse and outsmart your opponent.
  • Have fun: Tekken 3 is a game that is meant to be enjoyed and have fun with. You should not get frustrated or angry if you lose or make mistakes, as they are part of the learning process. You should also respect your opponent and play fair, as Tekken 3 is a game that celebrates sportsmanship and friendship.

Conclusion: Summarize the Main Points and Give a Call to Action

Tekken 3 is a classic fighting game that has stood the test of time and remains one of the best games in the genre. It has a rich gameplay, a diverse roster of characters, a variety of modes, and a nostalgic appeal that makes it a must-play for any fan of fighting games.

If you want to play Tekken 3 on your Android device, you can download and install the Tekken 3 APK file from the link provided in this article. You can also learn more about the features, modes, characters, moves, tips, and tricks of this game from this article. We hope you have found this article helpful and informative, and we hope you have a great time playing Tekken 3.

Thank you for reading this article. If you liked it, please share it with your friends and family. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.

FAQs: Answer some Common Questions about Tekken 3 Game

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Tekken 3 game:

  1. Q: Is Tekken 3 APK safe to download and install?
  2. A: Yes, Tekken 3 APK is safe to download and install, as long as you get it from a trusted source. However, you should always be careful when downloading and installing any APK file from unknown sources, as they may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device. You should also scan the APK file with an antivirus software before installing it.
  3. Q: Is Tekken 3 APK compatible with all Android devices?
  4. A: Tekken 3 APK is compatible with most Android devices that run on Android 4.0 or higher. However, some devices may not support the game due to hardware limitations or software issues. You should check the compatibility of your device before downloading and installing the game.
  5. Q: How can I unlock the hidden characters in Tekken 3 game?
  6. A: You can unlock the hidden characters in Tekken 3 game by completing certain requirements in the Arcade Mode or by using cheat codes. Here are the requirements and cheat codes for each hidden character:
    • Kazuya Mishima: Complete the Arcade Mode with all non-hidden characters or enter the cheat code “triangle, square, circle, triangle, square, circle, X” at the character selection screen.
    • Ogre/True Ogre: Complete the Arcade Mode with all non-hidden characters or enter the cheat code “triangle, square, circle, X” at the character selection screen.
    • Gon: Complete the Tekken Ball Mode with any character or enter the cheat code “right, left, square, triangle” at the character selection screen.
    • Dr. Bosconovitch: Complete the Tekken Force Mode four times with different characters or enter the cheat code “down, up, right, left” at the character selection screen.
  7. Q: How can I save my progress in Tekken 3 game?
  8. A: You can save your progress in Tekken 3 game by using the memory card feature of the game. You need to have a memory card inserted in your device and select the memory card option in the game menu. You can then save or load your progress anytime you want.
  9. Q: How can I play Tekken 3 game online with other players?
  10. A: You can play Tekken 3 game online with other players by using an emulator app that supports online multiplayer mode. You need to have a stable internet connection and a compatible emulator app installed on your device. You can then join or host an online session with other players who have the same emulator app and game ROM.


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