Hackear Una Cuenta De Facebook Facil Y Rapido ((LINK))

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Hackear Una Cuenta De Facebook Facil Y Rapido ((LINK))

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Hackear Una Cuenta De Facebook Facil Y Rapido


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Pro-Israeli Lobbyist Wants A ‘Free Speech’ Law To Defend Against Boycott

Just as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sought to bury the “Jewish lobby” in his country, another lobbyist for the Israeli government has created his own association to prevent the opposition movement from taking hold.

Stephen Pollard, the head of the small, Washington-based organization American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP), is currently pushing the “Israel First Act” that would criminalize economic boycotts in U.S. law. Pollard is also working on another bill, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which would require the Obama administration to block a growing list of foreign companies and organizations from operating in Israel.

Pollard said in an interview with The Intercept that he is creating the association for the same reason that Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party is becoming more than a “core base.” He said that for the first time in Israeli history, his party is now a “political force.” Pollard’s association has already received support from Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL).

“I am a Democrat, but if a group were formed on the Republican side like what they have here for the extreme right, I would be supportive,” he told The Intercept.

The group’s first public event is coming up in Washington this Thursday. Pollard said that he is working with House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) to hold a hearing on the subject, but with Republican leaders in charge of the committee the hearing “is not going to happen this year.”

The ATFP is headed by Pollard, who is well connected to numerous Republican lawmakers and enjoys the support of several former officials within the Israeli government. Pollard’s work for the pro-Israel

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