Ten Commandments Full Movie 1956 Tagalog Version Of Bible
The story begins with Moses, a good-hearted runaway slave who has led his father’s family, the Israelites, out of the Egypt of bondage (and one of the commandments was Thou shalt not bear false witness). His God is the super-competent (and super-bully) Jehovah. The Israelites are a hard-headed, recalcitrant group which has no interest in committing to the severe and grueling life of their patriarch. With uncharacteristic temerity, Moses allows himself to be called leader of the group, despite his youth, and the belief of his people. And he leads them to Promised Land, a land with plenty of natural resources and plenty of people, who are ready to be slaves if they have to be. It was here that the Ten Commandments, God’s ‘decalogue’, given by God himself to Moses on a mountain, became the basis for the Jewish religious code. (Rabbi) Nimoy notes that the Ten Commandments would have been given to Moses by God himself (he was present) on the Sinai mountain. “He did not broadcast them, he shared them with Moses.” In a dramatic set-piece, God then delivers the Ten Commandments to Moses, and they ascend to the mountain. He leads the people of Israel to the mountain, where they kiss the earth, and receive the commandments. As the last one, God tells Moses he cannot die in the land of Israel, and says: “Die? Never!”
This opening sequence is quite evocative, with an inspiring score. For as long as the movie goes on, in animated, early sound form, it is drama between Moses and God. We sense their great affection for each other, their mutual respect, their motherly concern. God is always still, but omnipotent. From the beginning we are shown that his power is its own reward, and that anyone who obeys its laws will be saved by God. Initially, Moses is a tad emo, but we are made to feel a great urgency in the face of immemorial evil and oppression. Time and again, after scenes of magnificent action, we are shown the majesty and uniqueness of this moment, when as a whole, a multitude of individuals are giving their lives in order to make an escape. The film has a surreal side to it, at times it swings from cartoon to live action, as if the entire wonder of living (including battles and blood) were shown in a way that was more acceptable to adults in our own day. Neither de Mille nor the film’s producers were likely to believe that it was an appropriate movie to show to the public at a time when the movie public was making a pretense of censorship. Accordingly, it is given a restricted circulation, and has been since its original release.
When DeMille directed The Ten Commandments, he took four months to make the movie, and it was the most expensive movie up until that time. DeMille’s movies always had great story lines. DeMilles movies were usually good with action and they had great visuals. You can never forget the greatness of DeMille.
One of the effects of watching the movie is that one gets a sense of the huge effort that went into making it. The sets are beautiful. Each person has their own costumes and quality. There are many moments, and people on set, when DeMille steps away from the camera and looks up at the sky. The movie has a mystical feel to it. Nothing could be more fitting for the holy book it was based on. It was made in Technicolor. DeMille would always strive for realism in his movies. The 1959 film The Buccaneer is one of DeMilles best movies. This movie has a lot of realistic action in it. The critics would agree that this is the best of DeMilles movies. The movie is based on the sea adventure story of the 18th century.
What DeMilles presents in the center of his cast is a Moses that we have never seen before. So new is he that in almost every respect he is completely different from the Biblical Moses. The boy from the Nile becomes an older man on the Thbone mountain, so different is the Moses of the picture from the Biblical Moses that the movies revelation, whereby God is portrayed as suffering for his people in their slavery and where the god of love but once pokes through the veils of time and space and flings aside the veils of the temple and appears in the flesh, must make us wonder if the Biblical Moses is any more than a type of Christ. “Val Kilmer gives an inspired performance, thrilling to witness but difficult to comprehend. He is the greatest of all the current Christian actors. He has recreated the image of Moses and of Christ in a way that has not been equaled since the time of Daniel or the dying words of St. Paul. For those who are not so afraid of this mysterious prophet as to be blinded by their own fervor, they will respond to the clear and calm acceptance of his message and they will never forget the impression of his appearance. Some of the finest acting of the year has gone into this production, where the director, the script and the leading role have all been completely true to the Biblical tradition. The final product is something you have never seen before.” — Jim Paul www.freerepublic.com